Monday 25 July 2011

Just how much sherbet is too much?

3 Kilos? Maybe I'll get two, sherbet sandwiches might be pretty tasty!

The first ever Monday Afternoon (about lunch time really) Sandwich Experiment (First Blood: Part One) a non starter :(

Why did no one tell me sherbet has been banned?! At least thats the only reason I can see as to why not a single shop (of the three that were explored) in this magical town sells it.

So to the internet I go! When will I return? Who knows! But probably sometime this week! I mean lets face it, its just the internet, not some inhospitable wilderness populated by mutant slow worms riding flying cheetahs. Soon this mouth will taste the delectable flavours of fizzy sugary goodness colliding with hints of Spanish meat.

Today's (ok, so more like Friday's) actual sandwich

Super quick update before the proper exciting Monday update... it was cheese, tomato, Moroccan houmous (the one with all the chick peas on top) and as everyone under the sun predicted 'The Last Frankfurter'.

Yeah so maybe this isn't so much of a feature when it turns out to be a boring sandwich.

Yup, thats made the post much more interesting, the feature is still a go!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Everyone Panic!!

I'm not original, someone else likes sandwiches!

This mighty, bold experiment into the finer aspects of sandwich artistry might have to come to a premature end (or at least a name change- which lets face it, is tantamount to blog suicide). 

Not wanting to send traffic towards my now arch nemesis in the fast moving, piranha like world of the sandwich blogger, but if one was to search for 'Experimental Sandwich Blog Spot' on the tube sorter (thats google for the filthy, slow peeps out there), one may find something shocking (but whatever one does don't click on that magic red text, as your face will fall off due to it being over an Indian burial ground) (the link, not your face). 

When one says shocking I mean about sandwiches, not anything weird... well actually there might be something weird past page one but one didn't dare look. It is the internet after all, and what with rule 34 someone could have been, you know 'experimenting' with sandwiches.

Yup, I'll just leave you with that image. Experimenting with sandwiches. Sandwiches.

Tomorrows Potential Sandwich

The fridge where dreams die

Whats it gonna be?! Who knows?! Who Cares?! Well one does, as one is the one that'll be sticking it in ones pie hole (and lets face it there is no way that rollmops are going anywhere near it).

One senses this could also be a potential feature, ones first feature! May need a catchier name mind.

Also one needs to stop refering to one as one, afterall I is just an Earl, I ain't proper royalty.


Whoever put cress in the burger background picture is a mentalist (but not, I must stress, an Experi-mentalist), I mean it tastes nothing like Sherbet.

Who likes Sherbet? And being Lazy?

I've always been told that the best way to get a new blog off the ground and onto the first million paying customers (I do get paid for this right?) is to copy and paste 'Stuff' from other blogs and pretend like its your own. 
Taking this idea and running with it, the best place to copy this mythological 'Stuff' from is other failed blogs, I mean they must have been onto something in order to fail so spectacularly after only 2 posts... right?

Without further ado, I give you the very second post from another competing, but blatantly inferior sandwich based experimental blog, and pretend that its actually my very second post. w00t!

So Monday is the day, definitely not Friday, that would be Stupid. And the ingredients for the very first Experimental Sandwich? Well obviously its a Monday and that can only mean one thing…

…its Sherbet, Meat and Vinegar day (or more precisely Sherbet, Chorizo and Apple Cider Vinegar, tasty)!

And just like that no-one noticed that they'd read all this before (apart from the bits they haven't read, obvs) and that they will read it all again. Just like BSG but with fewer robot women.